Targeted Attack Detection and Remediation

In this Security School lesson, you’ll learn more about how targeted attacks are developed, where your soft spots may be, how attackers are moving data off your networks and what you can do about it.


Michael Cobb
Founder and managing director of Cobweb Applications

Michael Cobb, CISSP-ISSAP, is a renowned security author with more than 15 years of experience in the IT industry and another 16 years of experience in finance. He is the founder and managing director of Cobweb Applications Ltd., a consultancy that helps companies to secure their networks and websites, and also helps them achieve ISO 27001 certification. He co-authored the book IIS Security and has written numerous technical articles for leading IT publications. TOP

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Related Resources

TechTarget security websites cover tools and tips on viruses, threats and threat management, certifications, standards compliance, security management, malware, data protection and mobile security.